Too Busy to DO More?
Do you often find yourself bursting with ideas but not the time to accomplish them?
IN a perfect world, we could announce our needs and someone would magically appear for little cost - and poof, those dreams magically come to life.
Until this new app falls out of the sky, we need to find our own strategies for keeping track of our goals and listing out simple tasks necessary to reach them.
Sure, there are tons of fancy apps that you can buy to keep track of your goals - but why not just use something simple like a spreadsheet? Often the simplest method is the best to follow!
And how do you know which ideas to go with and which to put aside?
When clients come to us and start listing off a bunch of their goals and ideas for the future, we often suggest that they ask themselves the following questions:
Are any of these ideas useful for you and others?
Which ideas would be most beneficial to act on today and why?
Is there a common theme emerging here? If so, is there a way to combine these ideas together to make them more powerful?
These questions will help to you determine which ones you should start working on now and which you should table for later.
Good Luck and let us know if you need any help along the way!