Now is the time to pursue your dream
“We are living in a moment of abundant opportunities,” according to a recent article featured in “The pandemic revealed new growth opportunities in the ways we learn, work, lead and live.”
It’s amazing how a moment in time can leave a lasting effect. Our team began to feel the “positive” effects of 2020 around May. We started receiving inquiries for marketing help on new endeavors - ideas that were birthed out of a need to stay busy.
The article goes on to offer advice on ways to help navigate and guide your entrepreneurial spirit:
1. Broaden your observations
Opportunities are everywhere, yet few have the eyes to see them. Don’t just see and examine the opportunities that are right in front of you, but also those that lie around, beneath and beyond the obvious. This is why it’s so important to know yourself and trust yourself. It’s easy for someone else’s opinion to misguide your thinking, but when you know what you aim to achieve, it gives you the right amount of focus and patience to anticipate and explore for more. And remember, in the process of seeing the opportunity you were looking for, you may discover other opportunities along the way that may give you more clarity around your original intentions.
2. Adopt a farmer’s mentality
As the wise farmer once said, “You’ll never know which seed is going to grow without planting it first.” The wise entrepreneur knows this lesson well because oftentimes it takes too much time for the seed to flourish into an abundant harvest. What’s the point: keep planting seeds and allow your broadened observations to guide you. We must all adopt a farmer’s mentality if we are to discover our distinct place and position during this moment of abundant opportunities.
While many in the business world would refer to this mentality, along the lines of “creating multiple streams of income” (much like the farmer would harvest different types of crops), the key is to water each seed you plant with focus and intention. And if you do this right, you will not only multiply your opportunities, but you will find them to be interconnected in ways to strengthen the healthier whole.
3. Build momentum
How often have your heard this: “yeah, that’s a great idea you should do something with it.” And then what happens? Often, nothing – because people are not proficient in creating and sustaining any type of real momentum.
Creating momentum is the most critical, yet hardest thing for people to do. Why? Because most people embark on opportunities without knowing their inventory and access to resources. Not just money, but more so, relationships. We oftentimes think not having enough money is the problem. That is so far from the truth (this is why many great opportunities are lost by one person and seized by another).
Conclusion? Opportunities come and go all the time. Remember to use the resources around you!
We are living in a moment of abundant opportunities.