Small Business Support

It’s not always about the What or Why, but the HOW.

I am a small business owner and have been for over 25 years. Before I started INGroup Creative, I started, owned, sold, and walked away from LOTs of businesses.

  • Aerospace

  • Real Estate, (both selling and investing)

  • Property Management

  • Fashion Consulting

  • Fashion Importing (buying, selling and everything in between)

  • Organizing

  • there are more…

and with each of these “experiences,” there were moments of clarity, lessons and growth.

A few years ago I was offered an opportunity to become a business advisor and it was AMAZING! From this moment on, I quickly realized that I had a way to unload some of the information, call it good, bad and ugly experiences and support others!

Here I am and I am SO Ready to help YOU!