When Trying to Save Money, This is the One Line Item You Can Not Afford To Cut

When Trying to Save Money, This is the One Line Item You Can Not Afford To Cut

When budgets are tight, marketing is often one of the first things to go. Considered an “extra” by some, it can be construed that someone internally can just fill in until things start to look up again.

Entrepreneur.com recently wrote an excellent article that discusses the importance of maintaining your marketing team:

“...long-term studies show that the right approach during economic uncertainty is to increase — not decrease —  your marketing spend. The last thing you want is to be caught flat-footed and find yourself lagging your competitors when the economy revs up again.”

By INvesting in Marketing, You are INvesting in YOU and keeping your business IN the game. 

Knowing When to Pivot to Meet Current Needs

Knowing When to Pivot to Meet Current Needs

Sometimes the best compliments come from your own team!

Sometimes the best compliments come from your own team!